This post has been recovered from an alternative blogging platform that I've not used in many years. Some of the content may have been reworded so that it makes sense in the context of this site, however the substance of the content will be unchanged.
Dear friend
I'd be lying if I said this course is teaching me anything. The majority of lectures aren't worth listening to, and those that are only preach things I've known for years. The lectures worth listening to dictate the conventions of syntactically correct programming, declaring variables, the practicality of Java (Ha!), and the like.
The only GIF of the clip I wanted, and it has captions I don't need. You get the gist of how I feel though.
I seem to be settling in well though. Meeting some great new people, the teachers are laid back, we're often sent out early and on top of all that, the work is baby work. Even the maths unit, which you would assume would be more game-oriented like more algebra, is simplistic. Things like 17936200 - 14827635 aren't worth learning if you're going to be spending the majority of your future at a computer, with open access to a calculator application. Seriously, computation in mathematics has zero practicality in the real world. When developing a program, it does the computation automatically. We should be learning real maths - things that we actually need to know. Learning how an equation reaches a result, not just working out what the result is.
I'm sorry, I love this GIF.
NEVERTHELESS, it is still October. I'm only one week in, so there is much time to deliberate on whether or not this enrolment was a good decision. I leave it to you, Internet, to decide - based on my biased review - whether or not there is any means to an end here. I don't know if it's the headache getting to my brain, or the liquid nitrogen fatality in the news passively destroying my innards (seriously, how retarded do you have to be to ingest liquid nitrogen? What are you, five?) but I seem to be writing very pessimistically about university lately. Perhaps I should write something positive…
That is all.
Oh, okay!
ON A LIGHTER NOTE: I do get to write a game in a few weeks. A text strategy game of my choice. Ideas are flowing already.