How do Unity’s coroutines actually work?

Coroutines in Unity are a way to run expensive loops, or delays in execution, without having to involve multithreading. That's right – although it's commonly believed that coroutines are multithreaded operations, they in fact run on the main thread. But have you ever asked yourself why coroutines return IEnumerator? What does that even mean? We'll take a look at how they work, and I hope to explain just how genius they are.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021 · 8 min · Oliver

Fixing Brackeys' save & load system

Recent news has hit that BinaryFormatter has a major security flaw, and should be removed from production use as soon as possible. This guide will cover an alternative approach to creating a save & load system for your Unity game.

Saturday, 27 February 2021 · 15 min · Oliver

The problem with UnityEngine.Random

When it comes to game dev, random number generation is a subject that comes up a lot. With the advent of Minecraft, No Man's Sky, and other games with procedurally-generated environments, unique variation in your game is an attractive feature which increases replayability and enhances player experiences.

Friday, 26 February 2021 · 14 min · Oliver

Why I hate: The claim "Wikipedia isn't a reliable source"

Dear friend

Wikipedia is a collaborative encyclopedia. It's maintained by a large amount of people, including anonymous people who only come to fix a spelling error; so you can see why some people might want to call it unreliable.  If anyone and any…

Friday, 19 February 2016 · 2 min · Oliver

Why I hate: Imperial measurements

Dear friend

Every country in the world has adopted the metric system. Well okay that's not true. Liberia, Burma and the US haven't. But the UK has! Sort of. Almost… Okay, the UK has such a fucked up combination of measurements that it leaves many to…

Saturday, 06 February 2016 · 1 min · Oliver