A man of science
This post has been recovered from an alternative blogging platform that I've not used in many years. Some of the content may have been reworded so that it makes sense in the context of this site, however the substance of the content will be unchanged.
Dear friend
My family isn't religious, but when I was a child I believed in God. I don't blame any individual, I blame the government indoctrinating children with religion. It's the schools, you see. I was never taught that these spiritual beliefs were merely that - a belief. I was raised to think that what was in the bible is true. A man named Noah built an ark, the story of creation is accurate, a man named Jesus was the son of God. I was taught that these were all true. And - being a child - I believed it. Teachers are a figure of authority so you're brainwashed into believing anything they say. I find this simply immoral.