This post has been recovered from an alternative blogging platform that I've not used in many years. Some of the content may have been reworded so that it makes sense in the context of this site, however the substance of the content will be unchanged.
Dear friend
Sometimes, I consider what it would be like to live in a world without war. Just imagine it. No war. No greed for money or power. No fighting over natural resources. The entire human race collaborating on something much more important.
Think about it. The only way we're ever going to advance as a society is to accept that we are all human. Everybody is different. Some people are white, some people are black. Some people are short, some people are tall. Some people are overweight, some people are underweight. Some are gay, some are straight. Some are in between. But we are all human. Every single one of us on this planet is equal in our own right and we all need to learn to accept that.
We don't need to fight over money, power, land… because once we take the next big leap and venture into the depths of the universe, that will all become futile. The leaders of a country rule the land for but the blink of an eye on a “tiny mote of dust” in respect to the universe. Money? Well that's only good around here isn't it. If we do ever encounter intelligent life elsewhere, what good is our money - especially the notes? Some pulp from wood with a face of a species they don't recognise and symbols they don't understand written all over it. (Understandably, the coins may be a bit more valuable, but still containing symbols they won't understand)
People need to wake up and look at the bigger picture. Nobody on this planet is perfect. Nobody. Not even you, not even I. Well maybe I… The only way we're ever going to achieve greatness as a species is to work together. All of this fight over money and resources is worthless if we want to build enormous space shuttles. We don't need one human giving another human some money so that the second human can give the first human some resources. This planet belongs to us all. The resources belong to all of us.
It saddens me to think that, in my lifetime, this may never become a reality. The human race is still in its infancy and, evidently, getting more and more stupid. I guess for now, this ambition of greatness, is nothing but a dream.
"Pale Blue Dot" Earth, seen from Voyager 1, 6 billion kilometres away.
So, here are a couple of options: Be an Objectivist bastard and you might live a happy life; Be a bonafide Misanthrope and hope for an Alien anal probe; Be a Leftist and let's see how long can you stand it.
We're fucked beyond repair, man.